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Chicken Wednesday

Tradition, fellowship, and fun!

Back in the early days of NT Logistics, when we were just a scrappy startup burning the midnight oil, lunch breaks were a luxury we couldn’t afford. Darlene or Elaine would kick off the daily hunger chorus with a hearty “I’m starving! What’s for lunch?” With our small team spirit, we’d all pitch in, pooling a few bucks together to satisfy our collective cravings. And without fail, every Wednesday, like clockwork, Bob would declare his craving for fried chicken.

It didn’t take long for Wednesdays to earn the title of “Chicken Wednesday.” Like a tradition in the making, whenever hunger struck midday on Wednesday, the unanimous response became, “It’s Chicken Wednesday!” Elaine would heroically volunteer to make the run, ensuring our bellies were filled with crispy goodness.

As NT Logistics expanded and evolved, so did our beloved Chicken Wednesday. Now, it’s an institution—a monthly celebration where we cater fried chicken at no cost to our incredible team, our greatest asset. After all, they’re the ones who deliver the exceptional service that defines us in the industry.

Chicken Wednesday – the first Wednesday of every month – is also about camaraderie and community. It’s similar to Sunday dinner at your grandma’s—you never know which cousin will be there. Between local community leaders like the Frisco fire department, UNT board members, NT retirees, and our customers, there is always a new face at Chicken Wednesday. We regularly extend the invitation to our customers and friends to join us in this midweek feast.

Back in the day, guests would receive our famous “Chicken Wednesday” shirts, proudly displaying the “Top Ten Reasons to be Associated with NT Logistics,” with the number one reason being, you guessed it, “Chicken Wednesday.” Today, we continue the tradition with a new version of the shirt, reflecting our growth and ongoing commitment to our community.

So, whether you’re a long-time partner or someone curious about what makes us tick, we invite you to experience Chicken Wednesday with us. Come hungry, leave happy—it’s a tradition worth sharing.

See you soon!

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“We’re passionate about seeing our customers win.” – Lynn Gravley