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NT Logistics News & Articles

Third Consecutive Year NT Logistics Receives Customer Service of the Year Award!

FRISCO, Texas (February 19, 2016) – Albert Einstein once said, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” Since the beginning, NT has strived to consistently and relentlessly add value to our customers. We are greatly honored to receive Nestlé Waters North America’s Customer Service of the Year Award for the Southwest Region for a third year in a row! Nestlé Waters North America is the nation’s largest bottled water company and has been a valued customer for over 10 years.

Jan Pope, Vice President and General Manager of NT Logistics’ Brokerage Division, accepted the award on behalf of our company at Nestlé’s Carrier Conference on Feb 18th in Atlanta, GA. Tony Davis, Nestlé Waters Southwest Regional Transportation Manager, presented this prestigious award, which signifies pristine customer service and continued commitment to excellence. Ms. Pope noted, “We are so honored to once again be recognized by Nestlé Waters North America. She added, “This award is a tangible representation of the hard work and dedication of our team at NT; we are so proud of everyone who has played a vital role in Nestlé’s growth and success. We hope to continue in our role of adding value and helping Nestlé succeed and grow in the years to come.”

From left to right: Tony Davis, Jan Pope, and Bob Pope.
